
TC PRO is an evolving platform; the features and additions will grow with trends and requests.

Quick Display to Multiple Screens

Find a program in your database / folders and quickly display it on a screen in your facility in 5 seconds.

Unique Design Tool

Design your programs to suit your brand and get your message / program across to a group or individual.

"Only limited by your imagination, design skills and desire to showcase your brand."

TC PRO will help you with up-skilling to master this design tool.

You can showcase a sophisticated, in depth structured program, with all strength variables outlined. 


A simple, low complexity, big and bold text “get the work done” style program. 

Use the whole screen so your program is clear for your audience.

Inbuilt timer widget

Customisea timer to fit your program and have it saved within for a quick use whenready. No more playing with remotes, setting up an iphone or using anotherscreen just for a timer. A buzzer that plays through the speakers of your TV /Projector

Warm Up Block

Have your warm ups on the screen, and when the session is scheduled to commence, the warm up vanishes. Simple and less distraction for the remaining of the session.

Template Folders

TC PRO will be constantly adding programs for quick use in your facility:

Unlimited Coaches Login


Features to come

Program tracking for members
Member login
Calendar with pre-set programs
And many more to come
This is some text inside of a div block.